Autumn - Adopted!

Autumn is a Golden Retriever puppy for adoption from Golden Retriever Rescue Resource in Toledo OH
Autumn is an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy for adoption. She was born at the end of December and was recently surrendered to our rescue along with her siblings to find a loving home. Those who would like to adopt a puppy need to be home more than not. A work from home family who has the time and energy for a golden retriever puppy is ideal. We wouldn't want Autumn to go to a home who is away all day at work where she is crated 9 plus hours a day.

If you are interested in fostering to adopt Autumn, the first step is to read "How to Adopt" and follow the directions from there.

Click the "next golden" button below to see the next golden retriever for adoption.
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Golden Angel Sponsors
Golden Angel Sponsorship Golden Retriever Rescue Resource Golden Angel Sponsors
Here's a golden opportunity!

For a $25 donation, become a golden angel sponsor and we'll list your name below.

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Thank You To These Golden Angel Sponsors!

  • Karen Angel, a monthly Golden Angel Sponsor of GRRR dogs
  • Become a Golden Angel Sponsor and your in-memory of message goes right here
  • Your Name Here!
Golden VIP Sponsors
Golden Retriever Rescue Resource Golden VIP sponsorship Golden Retriever Rescue Resource VIP Sponsors
Here's a golden opportunity!

Help our rescue by sponsoring the medical care needs of this dog. Our medical expenses for each dog always exceed the adoption fee. We'll list your name below as a sponsor.

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Thank you to these great people who sponsored the medical needs of this dog!

  • Dianne Morin, a monthly Golden VIP Sponsor of GRRR dogs
  • Robert Thornton, a monthly Golden VIP Sponsor of GRRR dogs
  • Your Golden VIP Sponsorship Here
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